
Michael Blackson's Rada Darling relationship claim sparks wild reactions online

Actor Michael Blackson recently shared details about his open relationship in an interview with DJ Vlad. There, he also talked about his wedding with fiancee Rada Darling. While speaking about all this, he got candid and said that his relationship with his fiancee Rada is different as she allows him to be intimate with other women too.

After Michael said this, the interview went viral and several social media users reacted to it. One netizen, @lappoosky, reacted to Daily Loud's post, in which the latter shared a picture of Blackson and wrote, "Michael Blackson says his fiancee lets him sleep with other women."

Social media user @lappoosky reacted to this by saying:

"Bro is now a Public property."

Michael Blackson shared in the interview that he was enjoying his bachelor life, but then he met Rada and was ready to be in a serious relationship. He said that there was one condition, that she should be fine with an open relationship. He further said that Rada was fine with this.

Talking more about this, Blackson said that people should be sincere to their partners as the end result is beautiful as the partner can reward them by being okay with an open relationship.

Internet users share wild reactions to Michael Blackson's claim about with relationship with Rada Darling

Social media users were quick to react to Michael Blackson's claim about his relationship with Rada Darling. They shared hilarious reactions and said that they don't know what are they supposed to do with this information.

Michael Blackson and Rada Darling got engaged in July 2021

Actor and comedican Michael and Rada got engaged two years ago in July 2021. Recently, in an interview, he shared his thoughts on his wedding and said:

"I wanted to set a date, but then it’s like I got so overwhelmed with so much other things [that] has to do with my career. I just felt like I needed to get things in place before I make this big step…Sometimes you need more time. You want to be really, really, set with everything before you make that step."

He further said:

"You know how many divorces we see?"

Moreover, last year in 2022, Michael shared that his partner Rada might have blocked him on social platforms, but that does not mean that they don't have a good time together.

Rada has also talked about open relationships in the past and said that being with one person makes the relationship boring, which is why they are in an open relationship.

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Patria Henriques

Update: 2024-06-07