
Youll never believe this, but Prince William is engorged with rage at Prince Harry

The wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Last fall, we talked a lot about Robert Lacey’s book, Battle of Brothers, and certain claims he made about the falling out between Prince William and Prince Harry. It was fascinating because Lacey is a royalist and very well-connected to the palace aide complex, but he still managed to spill some tea and get kind of shady at times. Lacey said outright that palace aides worked behind the scenes to sabotage the Sussexes. He also said that William and Kate were happier now that the Sussexes were out of the UK, because W&K are (I’m paraphrasing) selfish, petty, small-minded people and they didn’t like to be overshadowed by Harry & Meghan’s rock star vibez.

I bring all of this up, because Lacey was insistent that it’s massively important for the future of the monarchy that William and Harry reconcile. I never really followed Lacey’s logic on that, but I’ve heard it echoed by the royal media over the course of the past 14 months, like their brains cannot compute the idea that two adult brothers are incapable of repairing their toxic relationship. Even Harry said as much in the Oprah interview – their relationship is “space” and there was an air of finality, or at least an ending to the close bond they once had. Still, people are obsessed with the idea that Harry HAS to fly to the UK in July for the unveiling of a statue of Diana in the Kensington Palace Garden, and that the reconciliation must proceed ASAP. Too bad William is a rage-monster.

The post-Oprah enmity between Prince William and Harry is so deep that it is “unthinkable” they will reunite for a long-scheduled unveiling of a memorial to their mother Princess Diana, The Sun on Sunday reports. The paper says that the royal siblings are “as far apart as it’s possible to be” after the Sussexes accused the royals of racism, and said his brother and father were “trapped” in royal life.

William refuted the non-specific accusations this week, telling reporters the royals were “not a racist a family,” however the royals have said they will tackle the accusations “privately” (for which read: no further public refutation of the shocking claims). Relations between the two brothers have been severely strained since Harry and Meghan announced their plans to “step back” from the family, but look utterly shattered after the Oprah interview in which Meghan and Harry denounced an unnamed member of the royal family as racist, putting all of the royals, including William, under a cloud of suspicion. The Sun reports that the princes have exchanged texts following the interview but have not spoken. This tallies with a claim in The Sunday Times that they have “been in contact.”

Although it had long been assumed that both brothers would be present together when the statue of their mum—which they commissioned—is unveiled in the Sunken Garden at Kensington Palace in July, this now looks in peril. A source told The Sun on Sunday: “William and Harry are as far apart as it’s possible to be—emotionally and physically. Their relationship is at rock bottom. William’s raging with Harry after the Oprah interview. He is so angry with him that it’s totally unthinkable at the moment for them to be happily reunited and stood together at the unveiling of the Princess Diana statue. It’ll take a lot of work to patch things up so they can put on united front.”

[From The Daily Beast]

One, other outlets are noting the actual reason why Harry will likely skip the unveiling: because Meghan’s due date likely falls at the end of June or early July. Harry will choose Meghan and their children before the Salty Windsors every day of the week, and he’s shown that over and over again. The fact that Baldilocks is making it all about HIM and how he feels unspeakable, incandescent rage just says it all though. What kind of man watches his brother and sister-in-law in acute emotional pain from the ordeal they went through and reacts with… RAGE? With ANGER? Meghan was speaking about being in the lowest depths of misery and Harry had to see that, and live with what they were doing to his wife, just like they did to his mother. And William feels nothing but contempt, anger, rage. William is the one with the odd, inappropriate reaction, and yet I get the feeling that this is Kensington Palace’s official position. This is what they WANT to leak about Will being keen with violent rage at his brother. It’s beyond pathetic on so many different levels.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge visit the London Bridge Jobcentre

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle celebrate Anzac Day in London

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Avalon Red, WENN.


Patria Henriques

Update: 2024-06-02